About the Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland

The Secretariat

All documents should be sent electronically to our Referrals Mailbox which is monitoried daily - Referrals@parolecomni.org.uk. We cannot accept documents sent via regular post at this time. We appreciate your co-operation.

Please be aware that PCNI email addresses have changed. They now take the following format, please update your records accordingly: firstname.surname@parolecomni.org.uk

The Offices of the Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland are based in

Laganside Court
1st Floor
Oxford Street

The Secretariat is the administrative support team to the Commissioners and the staff are Civil Servants. At present there is a total of 17 staff, including the Secretary to the Commissioners who heads the office.

The Secretariat is divided into two distinct sections within the office.

The Commissioners

The role of the Parole Commissioners is defined by the legislation under which they operate. Chapter 7 of the Criminal Justice (NI) Order 2008 states that in discharging their functions, including those defined in the Life Sentences (Northern Ireland) Order 2001, the Parole Commissioners shall –

  1. have due regard to the need to protect the public from serious harm; and
  2. have regard to the desirability of –
  1. securing the rehabilitation of prisoners; and
  2. preventing the commission of further offences by prisoners.

The Parole Commissioners are required to advise the Department of Justice in regard to any matter connected with the release or recall of prisoners referred to them under the Order or under the Life Sentences (NI) Order 2001.